Stainless steel and aluminium are highly sought after because of their wide practical applications in buildings, infrastructure, tools, ships, automobiles, machines, and appliances.
Super alloys or high-performance alloys possess excellent mechanical strength, resistance to high temperature, and good stability. Improved resistance to corrosion and oxidation is now possible through chemical and process innovations. As such, these special materials are seeing increasing use in sectors such as aerospace, military, and power generation.
Advance Materials Supplies (AMS) specializes in high-quality stainless steel, aluminium, and super alloys like titanium and nickel alloys. For customized requirements or other metals, please contact us and we’ll respond by the next working day.

Stainless steels are iron alloys with a minimum of 10.5 chromium. Other alloying elements are added to enhance their structure and properties such as formability, strength and cryogenic toughness. These include metals such as nickel, molybdenum, titanium, and copper. The main requirement for stainless steels is that they should be corrosion resistant for a specified application or environment. The selection of a particular “type” and “grade” of stainless steel must initially meet the corrosion resistance requirements. Additional mechanical or physical properties may also need to be considered to achieve the overall service performance requirements.
Nickel alloys are alloys with nickel as principal element. Nickel and nickel alloys are used for a wide variety of applications, the majority of which involve corrosion resistance and/or heat resistance. These include aircraft gas turbines, steam turbine power plants, medical applications, nuclear power systems, and chemical and petrochemical industries. This group of alloys are frequently sold under trade name specifications but most are listed in the Unified Numbering System. Common trade names are HASTELLOY, INCOLOY, INCONEL, NICROFER, NICROM and NIMONIC.
Product RangeALUMINIUM

Aluminium alloys are identified by a four digit numbering system. The first digit gives the alloy group and the others the alloys that are present in the mix. Aluminium is a relatively soft, durable, lightweight, ductile, and malleable metal, remarkable for its low density and ability to resist corrosion. Aluminium and its alloys are vital to the aerospace, automotive industries and other high end applications.
Product RangeTITANIUM

Titanium is a lustrous transition metal with a silver color, low density, and high strength. The two most useful properties of titanium are corrosion resistance and strength-to-density ratio, the highest of any metallic element. Titanium can be alloyed with several other elements to produce strong, lightweight alloys for jet engines, spacecraft, desalination plants, medical prostheses, dental instruments and implants, sporting goods, jewelry, mobile phones, etc.
Product RangeALLOY STEEL

Alloy steel is a steel that has had small amounts of one or more alloying elements (other than carbon) such as such as manganese, silicon, nickel, titanium, copper, chromium and aluminium added. This produces specific properties that are not found in regular carbon steel. Alloy steels are workhorses of industry because of their economical cost, wide availability, ease of processing, and good mechanical properties.
Product RangeWe can supply forgings and cut to size the above materials.